Show 872.0: GEOCAC Benchmarks, Santa Fe Trail Geotour & Code-Breaking

On our geocaching podcast today, we have some interesting audio content that we captured at Geowoodstock XX to share with you. You’ll hear a chat with Minnesota Boy about an adventure to a very unique place, a discussion with Joanne about a fascinating multi-state Geotour and a visit with Elonka about her book on code-breaking. We also share a few more stories from Antarctica and much more.

Listen To The Show (35:43)

Show Discussion: Please chat about the show by commenting on this post below.

Show Images: Go to the Flickr set for the show plus GWXX Selfies with Team PodCacher

Links mentioned in the show
The Travel Bugs website
Travel Bugs Concert Ticket Geocoin Kickstarter

GEOCAC Benchmark-associated caches
Minnesota Boy Youtube channel
Joshua The Geocachingvlogger Playlist about GEOCAC Benchmarks

“Pourquoi Pas?” Initials on Petermann Island

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Santa Fe National Historic Trail GeoTour (GT34)
Santa Fe Trail website

Codebreaking: A Practical Guide by by Elonka Dunin
Codebreaking: A Practical Guide
2000 Years of Ordinary Secrets | Elonka Dunin | TEDx

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