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On our geocaching show today, we share some great show feedback from the forums, including "You know you've been caching too much when..." and put 3 more items in the Podcacher Treasure Cache. Our main topic is all about hazardous plants to watch out for while geocaching. And of course, we have the winners in the King Boreas Cache Contest and the PodCacher Trivia Contest. Who will win the coins?!? Listen to find out!
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CONTEST 1: King Boreas Tribute Cache Contest Entries
It's Better to Give than to Receive! by Team Geo-Rangers
PF-09 - The Truth Is Out There by PengoFamily
PF-02 - FEEDDADABEEF by PengoFamily (Daddy)
PF-10 - Under Lock 'N Lock & Key by PengoFamily (Mommy)
King (Boreas) of the Hill by imfrog2002 & n2godnow
Swamped Down in the Fogg, In honor of KB by manometchapterchief04
The Electric Slide by Mr. Incredible! & Marcia Griffiths
King Boreas Tribute Cache - Concord, NH by afroggie and Fergie
PF-12 - Three Little Pigs by PengoFamily
CONTEST 2: PodCacher Trivia Challenge - How well do you know your hosts?!?
Trivia Answers (PDF file)
Links mentioned in the show:
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac from American Academy of Dermatology
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Information Center
Urushiol defined on Wikipedia
I am reminded of a mention from a cousin of mine of a natural remedy for poison Ivy. She called it “the Jewel weed” which surprisingly grows around where poison ivy is. ( good way to tell if poison ivy is around – if you see it) . I must say I use this “weed” in my own fights with poison ivy and it is as good as any over the counter cure I have tried. Here is a link to a good web site that gives further details –
You just crush up the watery stalk and “paint” the moist part of the stalk on the area exposed. It’s that simple!!
I wish I knew the chemistry behind this one , but all I know is that it works for me…Good luck and thanks for your shows