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On our geocaching show today, we talk all about Snow Caching! We have emails, audio and a special interview to share with you. Listen in for some good stories, and great tips and advice. We also unveil a new and fun contest for a Podcacher T-Shirt!
Links mentioned in the chat:
Temecula Valley Geocaching Event II
My Trivia Podcast - check out episode 14
Pablo's Podcacher Podcast Cache - named by Pablo Mac, the FTF winner
Horsetrail Huff Podcache by ssphoto
Check out all the PodCaches listed under the Podcache category.
Be the first to add one from your part of the world!!
Geoblogging Site by Hank Lynch
Snow Caching Related Links:
Danish Geolympics - by aaboe
MGA - Maritime Geocaching Association - audio from John Bignell
Twin Cities Geocaching Podcast - audio from Sir_Zman
Minnesota Geocaching Geocoin - "No GPS needed... just follow the tracks!"
Laurentians Alpine Heritage Series - caches by geotech
Our Interview Guest:
CYBret from Geocacher University discusses his article "Caching Through the Snow"
Coal Miners Cabin Again
Great show. That Sir_Zman guy from MN sounds pretty cool!! 😉 Odd thing, you mentioned that Anagram Intl. is located in Eden Prairie; I work across the street from them, I never knew what they did, always wondered.
Keep up the good work.
Great show, I am really enjoying listening even though I have to sit at the computer. I don’t have an MP3 player yet but plan on getting one. Keep up the great work. Dennis Team_Fitz Paw Paw MI.
From Listener Craig (aka Meatstack) Re Water:
Streams and creeks that were easily waded across in the summer are usually bloated and cold with winter snow runoff. This water can be at the freezing point, or even below, and pose a hypothermia risk to someone. When you do not respect the water, it will kill you.
Also, one should assume a pond is not frozen. I know there’s a formula somewhere that states X number of days will form Y amount of Ice, but my general rule of thumb is if I can’t walk around it, it can wait till summer. No cache is worth your life for.
Sorry to be such the gloomy Gus, but I would hate for the next caching story to make the news to be a sad one.
Thanks again for the great podcasts!
Based on this list of 20 things that make a great podcast, y’all have got them ALL!!! Just ignore the first thing on the list. Your show rocks just the way it is and I personally love the length of your shows! http://blog.frogbody.com/frogblog/2006/02/notes_to_self_a.html