Geocaching on Coronado
Sandy and I had a great time out at Coronado Island today. We hunted down a few micro-caches AND discovered a new way to record mobile audio in a VERY discreet (and cool) way. We’ll let you in on our newest “trick” in our upcoming “How to make recordings” podcast. I snapped a few […]
New Website On-Line!!!
After a lot of hard work and a few bumps in the road, the new website is up and running!! (insert Hallelujah Chorus here). Please take a look around, register as a user, and let us know what you think. We are still working on some new features, so stay tuned. There are still […]
Show 4: A PodCache in The Park
Listen To The Show (Right click on a PC, or Control click on a Mac and choose to “Save�? the MP3 to your computer. Then, you can load it on your MP3 player or burn it to a CD) This PodCache is listed on as GCPW54. In this show we do a Puzzle […]
Caching and PodCaching with friends
This was a good weekend for caching! Saturday we hunted down a few caches in the Escondido area with some friends and some new cachers. Sunday was a busy day. We found a few caches and did the audio recording for an upcoming show. We got home late last night and I began mixing the […]
The Promo
Here’s a short promo sound file to share info about the site and about our podcasts. Listen to promo is Online!!!
We’re online!