GPS The Movie???
Geocaching in the media becoming “mainstream”? I was just sent this tip from one of our listeners (Borten): GPS The Movie Several months ago, geocaching was apparently part of a story in the TV show “Law and Order”. I didn’t actually see the episode, but I have heard that the show did a poor job […]
Geocaching in Education
Here is one story of how a teacher is using Geocaching in Education! I think this is great! As many of you experienced cachers already know, geocaching can involve a lot more than just “following the arrow to the tupperware”. Although Sandy and I like the cache-and-dash / drive-up style caches that let you quickly […]
RoadTrip Images
Finally! The pics from our Road Trip (Show #17) are posted! Click on the pic for more pics!!!
Show 14: How to Find a Cache
In our show today, we give you an update on how the “Big Scheme” went down. THANKS for making it successful and check out the pictures to see how HIGH we ranked on Podcast Alley!! We also give you some travel bug updates, and discuss how to find a cache with listener input as well […]
Promo #2 (Short)
This is a short promo to let people know about our site. Podcasting started as a “grassroots” made-in-a-garage (or dining table in our case) phenomenon. Podcasters share these with each other to help promote their sites, so you may hear our promo on another podcast that you listen to! It’s a quick, efficient way to […]
How do you listen to our shows?
We were just curious … how do you listen to our shows? Do you listen on your computer? A portable MP3 player? Do you burn them to CD? If you download the files, how are you going about that? Do you use an aggregator (such as ipodder or iTunes)? Do you download them manually by […]