PodCache: Oldfields PodCache
This podcache is listed as GCQ4E1 on www.geocaching.com. It was created by Will+Bill [profile] and is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA This PodCache is located at the beautiful Indianapolis Art Museum gardens (Lilly House and Gardens) and is the first PodCache in Indianapolis. Listen To The PodCache (Right click on a PC, or Control click […]
Technical Problems
As I write this on Monday morning, I look back on a weekend of technical problems. One after another. Repeatedly. Has this ever happened to you? Unexplained computer glitches, equipment failure, stuff working against you? Bugs. Gremlins. Murphy’s Law. Sandy and I stayed up late, really LATE working on our next show, but the equipment […]
I’m a flickr junkie!
Okay I just found a GREAT (free) resource: flickr.com I just posted a “set” of pictures that show you the “Tools Of The Trade” that we use. We’re going to start using this service on podcacher.com. It’s WAY easy to post pictures and create sets. You can even view pics in a “slideshow”. Click on […]
Are you having trouble with our PodCasts?
Some of our listeners have written us and told us that they are having “issues” downloading our podcasts, especially when using iTunes. Are you having problems? Do you have solutions that you could share? If so, please leave a comment on this posting for others to read. MANY Thanks to those of you out there!!! […]
Geocaching on Coronado
Sandy and I had a great time out at Coronado Island today. We hunted down a few micro-caches AND discovered a new way to record mobile audio in a VERY discreet (and cool) way. We’ll let you in on our newest “trick” in our upcoming “How to make recordings” podcast. I snapped a few […]
New Website On-Line!!!
After a lot of hard work and a few bumps in the road, the new website is up and running!! (insert Hallelujah Chorus here). Please take a look around, register as a user, and let us know what you think. We are still working on some new features, so stay tuned. There are still […]