
GPS lovers have a very interesting new service on the Internet, and it is called EveryTrail. The online platform is based on user created content to display information about hundreds of trips around the world. The users feed their GPS data, with the possibility of adding audio comments, pictures or even videos to specific locations. The result, as you can imagine, is a very appealing experience, both for the people going outdoor and creating the stuff and for the would-be travelers that prefer to choose a trip carefully at the comfort of their home using the EveryTrail site.

The service is free, all you need to do is register an account with the site, install the “EveryTrail GPS uploadersâ€? software on your GPS, upload the data and start creating trips. The website has been running only for a couple of months, but it already gathered more than 350 trips, ranging from running activities to sailing and hiking. It also covers the four corners of the world - there are trips in Africa, Europe, South and North America.

Found on coolest-gadgets.com

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