Since we had to work all day Friday (supposed to be a Holiday) and Saturday at one of iTrax's school sites (computer crisis) we decided to take advantage of our ONE free day of the weekend and head out to Anza Borrego. The idea was to view the wildflowers, let iTrax take photographs, enjoy the sunshine out in God's great creation and do some geocaching.
iTrax convinced me that we needed to be out there by sunrise for the best light for photography, so we rolled out of bed at 3:30 a.m. (yep, our ONE day to sleep in....) and got on the road by 4:30 - out there before 6:00. It was freezing cold, but beautiful to watch the sun come up and start to paint the mountains with color. We didn't find the "carpets" of wildflowers that we had hoped for, but we found some here and there, and iTrax did get some good photos.
I had the GPS and the Palm (yeah for paperless caching!!) and was looking for quick caches we could do between the flower hunting. We stopped at one pull-off for iTrax to check out the photo possibilities, and there just happened to be a cache 200 feet away! =) That was an easy and fun one, but the little (fake) bunny sticking out of the hole gave me a start at first.
We ended up finding 12 caches in all - the most I have ever done in one day, so that was exciting. One was in Julian (a virtual) where we just HAD to stop for apple pie on the way home (but our favorite pie place was closed, so we had to settle for another spot), and the last was in Ramona. Most of the finds were very easy - they don't seem to hide them too well out there. We just walked up and spotted them!
It was a long day, but we had a blast being together and doing some of the things we love to do!!
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