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MTG Magic The Gathering

MAGIC Geocaching Promotion MTG

New MAGICal Trackable Promotion! We are excited to help spread the word about a MAGICal new trackable promotion from Geocaching HQ and Wizards of the Coast, the company behind Magic: The Gathering. Sonny spent MANY hours playing MTG in his younger life and still owns tons of cards, so this was a very exciting promo […]

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Back from Colorado: A Brief Update

This is going to be a VERY SUCCINCT summary of our recent trip to Colorado to bring everyone up to speed. As you might know, listeners and vendors supported our trip and got us out to Colorado. Our main goals and functions were to visit Colorado, promote certain things and bring back media (audio, video […]

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Another visit to another ER

Two Emergency Room Visits in 2 Days This is an update, Episode 2. If you missed Episode 1, check that out first. Within 10 minutes of posting Episode 1 this morning, my abdomen started to feel like the way it did yesterday. One difference, this time, was how quickly it accelerated into excruciating pain. In […]

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A visit to the ER: An Update

This is a quick summary of the GeoWoodstock 14 abdomen pain incident. Episode 1 While at GeoWoodstock in Colorado, at about 1:30 PM, my abdomen / stomach began to hurt a little bit. At 2:30, we had an event at our booth at which time I was already starting to feel pretty crummy. I’ve felt uncomfortable […]

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Heading in a New Direction

Important info you’re gonna wanna know: We know that some of you were not able to hear all the weekly Geocaching Goodness that we normally bring you since our last show was a MAPP show for financial supporting members, but we wanted to keep you posted with an exciting new direction that PodCacher is moving […]

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