On our geocaching podcast today, we have a shocking geocaching story from Ireland. We also share some follow-up reports from the geocacher traveling to the Virgin Islands who feared that her long-running cache-a-day streak was in jeopardy, as well as some FTFs from around the world and on various cache listing sites. You won’t want […]
Archive | PodCasts
Show 388.0: Feud Caching
On our geocaching podcast today, we have coverage from a PodCacher Roving Reporter of the Hatfield McCoy Geo Trail Event as well as a chat with the August featured Cacher of the Month WHBaisden. We also share a perspective on LPCs by a cacher from Finland, feedback on the “most found geocaches”, a different type […]
Show 387.0: Neptune’s Castle
On our geocaching podcast today, we have the story of an extreme kayak cache off the California coast. We also share some geocaching history about the very oldest caches still active, travel bug jealousy (can you relate?), a cool event cache, a big cash reward for an old cache container and more. Listen To […]
Show 386.0: Island CITO
On our geocaching podcast today, we have some audio from an Island CITO (no, it wasn’t in Hawaii) and an interesting FTF hunt on a cache neglected for 10 years. We also share a new eBook about geocaching, our obligatory LPC reference, feedback on long multi-caches, a NEW virtual inspired (in part) by PodCacher, acronyms, initialisms […]
Show 385.0: Go-Bags and DNF Logs
On our geocaching podcast today, we’ll share some of your answers to the Dr. PodCacher question about DNF logs and DNF tracking. We also have a PowerBag review from Darryl the Gadget Review Guy, an LPC actually worth talking about, a cool cache from South Carolina, a discussion of “what’s in your geocaching go-bag” and much […]
Show 384.0: Dreaming BIG
On our geocaching podcast today, in honor of the London Olympics we’ll share more “Outrageous Cache Ideas” that just might inspire you to Dream Big. We also share how to find a cache in spite of muggles at GZ, some listener ideas for FTF prizes, feedback on safe driving and Uncle Elwyn, prize winners and […]