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WWFM Event Ideas 2

10 More Fun Ideas for a Geocaching Flash Mob (part 2)

If you don’t know about Flash Mobs or you’re not familiar with the Geocaching WWFM (World Wide Flash Mob), then be sure to read our first post, 10 Fun Ideas for a Geocaching Flash Mob (part 1). In a nutshell, the WWFM is the annual GEOCACHING flash mob extravaganza which was started in 2007 by Team […]

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WWFM Event Ideas

10 Fun Ideas for a Geocaching Flash Mob (part 1)

Flash Mobs are fun, often large public gatherings at which people show up out of nowhere, perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then quickly disperse. They are typically organized by means of the Internet or social media. The WWFM (or World Wide Flash Mob) is the annual GEOCACHING flash mob extravaganza which was […]

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Log sheet square

Free Geocaching Log Sheets and Printables

Geocaching log sheets and log books are a necessary part of our daily geocaching lives! You need them to hide caches, and they are a critical part of any geocacher’s go-bag cache maintenance kit. Here are some resources we’ve put together for free geocaching log sheets and related printables. Some of these log sheets use […]

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10 Years

10 Years of PodCacher

Wow. Has it really been 10 years?!? When we started PodCacher way back in July 2005, we had no idea we’d still be podcasting 10 years later. I’m not sure we thought we’d make it past the first year. Lots of people started podcasts back then. Had fun for a few months. Then faded off […]

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how to hide a geocache

How to Hide a Geocache

Here’s a question that recently came in to PodCacher HQ from Sarah: I am somewhat new at geocaching and will be celebrating my one-year anniversary this coming July. I would like to place my very first cache in celebration of this! My question is this – what advice do you offer newbie cache owners? What […]

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how to find a geocache

Tips on How to Find a Geocache

You’re at Ground Zero (GZ) of a geocache. You’ve been looking for awhile and have come up empty. What are some other things you can try?!? Here are some tips on how to find a geocache. Touch and examine everything – even if you are SURE that’s not the cache. [Be sure to ignore this […]

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