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geocaching dogs

Geocaching With Dogs: Photos and Links

Many geocachers LOVE dogs (like us) and they love to go geocaching with dogs! Over the years we have shared a TON of information, tips and tricks, gear ideas and more related to Geodogs. In this post we’re going to share some PHOTOS that were shared with us by geocachers as well as some short-cut […]

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camouflaged geocache container

How To Camouflage a Geocache Container

The knowledge and skills to camouflage a geocache container is one of the top 10 things geocachers should develop.  There are MANY camouflage techniques that apply to different containers and situations, but perhaps the most versatile is the creative use of paint. I’ll share a process that I’ve used dozens of times to artistically, creatively […]

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Pebble Ripples 2

Inspiration: Why we Hide Geocaches

From an Anonymous Geocacher: This story came to me as a personal email after a fellow geocacher found a cache that I had placed. (Parts of the email have been altered for confidentiality). I wanted to thank you for placing your regular-sized traditional cache.  It helped create a special memory today. We adopted our son […]

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creative geocache container

Creative Geocache Ideas

Sometimes you just need a new creative geocache idea, a dash of inspiration, a different thought. You’ve hidden ammo cans (love those!), lock-n-lock containers (great choice), bison tubes (sometimes you have to hide a micro), but now you want to try something else. Have you ever seen a display of creative geocache containers at a […]

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