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Celebrate Earth Day 2021

For the 2nd year in a row, we are forced to celebrate Earth Day during a global pandemic. We may not be able to gather in large groups, but there are many ways we can celebrate Earth Day 2021. Here are some ideas. Attend a CITO event in your area, if they are being published. […]

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Awkward Geocaching Photos

Have you ever thought about what geocachers look like to muggles? A lot of the time, we can geocache right under their noses without them realizing what we’re doing. Speaking of noses… If you thought noses was bad, how about the other end?!? But some muggles are more observant than others and have probably seen […]

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geocache container

Top 31 Things Every Newbie Cacher Should Know

Geocaching is a fairly simple game at its core, but it can get complicated fast when you add in different geocache types, travel bug protocols, gadget caches, difficult camouflage, challenges, statistics, souvenirs and the list goes on! Some of the things that are second nature to those of us who have geocached for many years […]

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PP Mobile

Long Lost Travel Bug

From the “never give up hope” archives, comes the story of the Purple Passion Mobile, long lost travel bug. The Race Begins Back in March 2009, the 3 of us visited Florida for a vacation. Capt Biggins & Montu Rider hosted a geocaching event for us, and we decided to kick off a travel bug […]

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Master Quilter

Inspiration: Geocaching Memories

This inspirational story came from geocacher Mmswift. (Enjoy the beautiful quilt images and learn about the connection at the end of the story) Geocaching Memories I wanted to drop a note about why I started geocaching and the memories that were shared. I had heard about geocaching about 4 years before I actually started caching […]

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geocaching presentation

Geocaching Presentation Resources

Here are some resources for places to find a Geocaching Presentation. When you take a friend out geocaching, you just explain-as-you-go and that works just fine. Sometimes, however, you may want to share with a small group or even host a Geocaching 101 class in your community. In those cases, it’s helpful to have a […]

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