Rainbow geocoins donated by ernies of Switzerland
There are 10 Rainbow geocoins up for grabs
5 winners will receive an unactivated geocoin to keep
5 winners will receive an activated geocoin to drop in a cache. The coin will be transferred (by adoption) to the new owner (winner) once he/she has dropped the coin into a cache. This is to have coins not only in collections, but also circulating in the real cacheosphere (the "way more coins into caches effort").
There are 2 ways to enter (and you can do both to double your chances)
To enter the drawing, send us an email with the code phrase "My Favorite" in the subject line and tell us the ONE topic or show segment that has been your favorite in all the PodCacher episodes you have listened to.
To enter the drawing a 2nd time, send us an email with the code phrase "Topic Suggestion" in the subject line and tell us the ONE topic that you would like to see covered in a future episode of PodCacher.
This way we'll get some great feedback from you guys - and you'll get up to 2 entries in the random drawing for the coins.
Contest entry deadline: Oct 18, 2008