Show 881.0: Retro/Rewind: Geocaching Sword Swallower!

On our geocaching podcast today, we have a retro-rewind-relisten-resurrection show where we share some GEMS from prior shows. This time, it’s an interview with Halfdan5, a geocacher with a VERY unique talent. His talent ties in to “Talk like a Pirate Day”, coming up on Sept 19. We also have some tips for getting permission to place a geocacher, an update on the unique AL idea and much more.

Listen To The Show (36:06)

Show Discussion: Please chat about the show by commenting on this post below.

Show Images: Go to the Flickr set for the show

Links mentioned in the show
Profile for Halfdan5
Cutting Edge Innertainment
Aye Bear Pyrates Treasure - Tennessee
Cache Raider - Tennessee (archived)

Brochures and presentation - from Geocaching Help
Printable Literature - from

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